An Australian biologist has won approval from health authorities to build the region's first cryonics centre for freezing people when they die in the hope of revival in the future
Organisers of the UK’s “Biobank” project will now begin recruiting the half a million citizens aged between 40 and 69 they need for the project – about 1% of the UK population.
Brazilian paleontologists have discovered a new giant dinosaur species based on fossilized fragments of the herbivorous reptile that lived 80 million years ago.
Is there a way to ensure robotic fighter planes do not mistake civilians for enemy soldiers and kill innocent people? Is "system malfunction" a justifiable defence for contravening the Geneva Convention? Should robotic sex dolls resembling children be all
woensdag, augustus 30, 2006
links for 2006-08-30
dinsdag, augustus 29, 2006
links for 2006-08-29
MIT researchers have successfully integrated data mining tools and modern methods of quantum mechanics to design a software which can help predict the crystal structures of materials.(tags: datamining)
Dutch researchers are using computers to measure coral structures. Coral specimens are first scanned before being reduced to a skeleton analyzed by a computer to detect various branches. The open source software developed by the researchers provides 3-D i(tags: science visualization)
Jyri Engestrom and partners have launched Jaiku, an application for Nokia Series 60 Second Edition phones which broadcasts your presence and status to others with the application(tags: mobile hyperlocal)
Trend namer and claimer Trendwatching has a useful roundup of the marketing action taking place in many of the growing MMORPGs these days.(tags: virtualworlds marketing)
maandag, augustus 28, 2006
links for 2006-08-28
Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has set aside over 2 billion yen (US$17.4 million) in its 2007 budget to support the development of intelligent robots that rely on their own decision-making skills in the workplace.(tags: robots innovation)
zondag, augustus 27, 2006
newsgames: spelen met het nieuws
vrijdag, augustus 25, 2006
links for 2006-08-25
The Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, and 454 Life Sciences Corporation, in Branford, Connecticut, have announced an ambitious plan to complete a first draft of the Neandertal genome within the next two years.
The past, present and future (context awareness and perceptual) of human computer interfaces.
donderdag, augustus 24, 2006
links for 2006-08-24
TechCrunch points to Dapper, a service that enables non-techies to create an API for any site.
free learning resources
O'Reilly's Radar has a brief write up of a "3D live motion video camera that uses LIDAR technology to get a range-finding for every pixel" - you could "scan" an area and put all the 3D data in to just about any application, wow(tags: 3d)
woensdag, augustus 23, 2006
links for 2006-08-23
What will the world look like in 2030? Peter Hesseldahl, science communicator at Danfoss Universe, used this question as the starting point for a series of articles(tags: future)
some entrepreneurs in artificial intelligence (AI) say that Google is not the end of history. Rather, its techniques are a baseline of where we're headed next.(tags: search)
Known as the Antikythera mechanism and made before the birth of Christ, the instrument was found by sponge divers amid the wreckage of a cargo ship that sunk off the tiny island of Antikythera in 80BC(tags: history)
The Millennium Project--a global participatory think tank--has released its 10th annual State of the Future report.
Welcome to the website for Imagining the Tenth Dimension, a book by Rob Bryanton.
dinsdag, augustus 22, 2006
links for 2006-08-22
What if you could separate the activity of science from the human researchers who conduct it? Automate it, in fact? Imagine creating a bot that does physics experiments and builds an internal model of the world based on those experiments. if they were all
Thalience is a concept invented by science fiction author Karl Schroeder in his novel Ventus (2000).
The TransVision 2006 webcast(tags: transhumanism)
maandag, augustus 21, 2006
"In plaats van de lage factoren worden door Zwitsal nu uitsluitend factor 30, 40 en 50 geproduceerd. Nu verbranden jaarlijks nog 4 op de 10 kinderen. Met de campagne 'Ik wil 50' hoopt Zwitsal het aantal verbrandingen door de zon te verminderen."Het lijkt een stukje uit een folder van Zwitsal, onderdeel van SaraLee, maar het staat onder 'zonnebrand' van de Wikipedia. Kan gebeuren zou je zeggen ware het niet dat ene eefjeh regelmatig dit soort stukjes in de wikipedia heeft geplaatst bij deodorant, omega 3, vetten en zonnebrand. Hier nog een stukje bij deodorant dat later door een andere moderator is verwijderd:
"Met de gepatenteerde Truspray technologie wordt het milieu minder belast en voelt de spray zachter op de huid. Sanex is de eerste die deze technologie toepast."In het omega 3 stukje verwijst ze naar becel, van Unilever. Ik kon niet achterhalen wie die eefjeh nu is. Dus geen idee of ze dit in opdracht doet of juist de bedoeling heeft om dit soort bedrijven in discrediet te brengen (saralee manipuleert wikipedia!!).
links for 2006-08-20
Numenta just posted an Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) white paper. HTM is the brain theory of Jeff Hawkins and Sandra Blakeslee described in their book On Intelligence.
While the recent inventions of Web 2.0 and User Generated Content (UGC) seem to be radical departures from the computing culture we grew up in, their organic social metaphors are in fact rooted in the beginning of computer science.
The Lifeboat Foundation is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization, dedicated to ensuring that humanity safely adopts increasingly powerful technologies, including genetics/biotechnology, nanotechnology, and robotics/AI, as we move towards a technologic
JURASSIC PARK here we come? Not quite, but we might now be able to sequence the genomes of mammoths and even Neanderthals, thanks to a new way to correct the errors in sequencing ancient DNA that are made because it degrades over time.(tags: evolution)
zondag, augustus 20, 2006
links for 2006-08-19
Inspired by the coordination of bird flocks and fish schools, oceanographers will launch this month an entire fleet of undersea robots in Monterey Bay, California.
The recent history of coral reefs suggests that collapse is not impossible, and indeed, that we may be closer to worldwide collapse than we realize.(tags: environment)
zaterdag, augustus 19, 2006
links for 2006-08-18
The architecture that pervades biological networks gives them an evolutionary edge by allowing them to evolve to perform new functions more rapidly than an alternative network design, according to computer simulations conducted at the University of Chicag
UA-Games possess the ability to adapt their interface and content to best serve the requirements of a specific gamer under specific gaming conditions.(tags: games)
This site features the ways in which people modify and re-create technology. Herein a collection of personal modifications, folk innovations, street customization, ad hoc alterations, wear-patterns, home-made versions and indigenous ingenuity.
If you look at chat systems using avatars such as Second Life and then merge it with Google Earth I think that’s the one to watch. To fly into the cities of the world and have people walking around them as avatars would suddenly make an inhabited virtua(tags: visualization virtualreality)
maandag, augustus 07, 2006
links for 2006-08-06
most of the studies about activity visualization are concerned by social networks/sociograms. See for instance what is done at the Sociable Media Group like Visual Who(tags: collaboration visualization)
It’s about a tool called “TennisViewer” that aim at enabling coaches, players,and fans a new way to analyze, review, and browse a tennis match; a very interesting cultural practice IMO.(tags: Visualization)
Trevor Smith describes a new sort of user interface called the “Orbital Browser” meant to enable users to “discover networked services, select a subset of them, connect them, and finally control them in an appropriate manner“. This is about “ser(tags: collaboration)
Over the last few months, Experientia has been exploring the latest trends in electronic toys and games and gathered the results in a small internal report.(tags: games)
zaterdag, augustus 05, 2006
links for 2006-08-04
The survival of the human race depends on its ability to find new homes elsewhere in the universe because there's an increasing risk that a disaster will destroy Earth, world-renowned physicist Stephen Hawking said Tuesday.
We're here to tell you that the reports of the 3D web's death are greatly exaggerated. As evidence, we present three 3D browsers that will use that graphics card for something other than gaming: 3B, Browse3D, and SphereXPlorer.
the future of ai
The Symbolic Systems Program and CSLI are pleased to host the Singularity Summit at Stanford, a rare gathering of thinkers to explore the rising impact of science and technology on society. The summit has been organized to further the understanding of a c
donderdag, augustus 03, 2006
links for 2006-08-02
Elephants Dream is the world’s first open movie, made entirely with open source graphics software such as Blender, and with all production files freely available to use however you please, under a Creative Commons license.
Each year, TED hosts some of the world's most fascinating people: Trusted voices and convention-breaking mavericks, icons and geniuses. The talks they deliver have had had such a great impact, we thought they deserved a wider audience
A Force More Powerful is the first and only game to teach the waging of conflict using nonviolent methods. Destined for use by activists and leaders of nonviolent resistance and opposition movements, the game will also educate the media and general public(tags: games)
woensdag, augustus 02, 2006
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