woensdag, februari 23, 2005

Redtacton, een lichaamsnetwerk

redtacton.gifMicrosoft heeft het patent op het lichaam-als-een-netwerk maar NTT heeft de eerste toepassing: RedTacton. (via Akihabara news) NTT heeft al een site in de lucht voor RedTacton. [quote] RedTacton enables the first practical Human Area Network between body-centered electronic devices and PCs or other network devices embedded in the environment via a new generation of user interface based on totally natural human actions such as touching, holding, sitting, walking, or stepping on a particular spot. RedTacton can be used for intuitive operation of computer-based systems in daily life, temporary one-to-one private networks based on personal handshaking, device personalization, security, and a host of other applications based on new behavior patterns enabled by RedTacton.[/quote]

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